Posts tagged Transcendental
My big little life

My big little life.

Once upon a time, all too briefly, I called a little village at a secret surf spot in Bali my home. It looked very much like this picture, so it was easy to fall in love with it. It was wonderful. I’d just spent 5 weeks in seclusion doing my yoga teacher training in the mountains, doing daily yoga and meditation, journaling and self-study.

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Battles with experience envy ~ my journey with twice daily meditation

A friend of mine came to learn meditation with me because she describes her brain as ‘a blender with blunt blades and all the thoughts just bashing around’. Couldn’t put it better myself to be honest. While Dan took to our meditation technique like a duck to water, (he was so exhausted he was just happy to close his eyes for 20 minutes) I spent around 6 months intellectualising it. I just wasn’t having the same experience as Dan. I had good old-fashioned experience envy.

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What does it all mean?

I vividly remember back when I started my meditation journey, via my wonderful Kinesiologist in Coogee, I went home and closed my eyes and had this EXACT vision (from the picture in this post). It was like my eyes were open, the vision was so clear and it’s stayed with me ever since.

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Is surfing a form of meditation, and if so have you ever surfed the Superbank?

Admittedly Nic and I have just moved up here earlier this year, so one might say we are fresh to the Gold Coast scene. Though Nic is originally from Brisbane and has spent plenty of summer time on the white sands of Rainbow Bay, I on the other hand, wasn't so lucky. I grew up in rain soaked England, with my only source of sun and surf coming in the form of foreign magazines.

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