My big little life
My big little life.
Once upon a time, all too briefly, I called a little village at a secret surf spot in Bali my home. It looked very much like this picture, so it was easy to fall in love with it. It was wonderful. I’d just spent 5 weeks in seclusion doing my yoga teacher training in the mountains, doing daily yoga and meditation, journaling and self-study.
The smallest little details of my days in that village filled me with awe. I moved slowly, with no hurry. I had no agenda, no plans, I just went where the days took me. I named the snail in the garden Harold (no joke he was as big as my shoe) and I swung in the hammock, swam in the river and connected easily and deeply with those who lived full time in that magical village. I was the happiest I’d ever been. I didn’t need to explore; I was beyond content. Everything I needed to make me happy was in that place. While I was staying there, I didn’t step foot outside of that tiny village circumference. But my life felt HUGE.
I returned to Sydney and for a long time afterwards I felt that lightness of spirit that I experienced in Bali. But life happens; work, social, family and financial commitments had to be met, and I started to pine for that village, to experience that magic again. I stopped paying close attention, I started taking things for granted. I fell into the trap of thinking I’d only feel so amazing again if I recreated those circumstances in that same place. My life in that village felt enormous, but now it felt small again, with the world at my fingertips in Sydney.
It may seem obvious, but it took me a long time to realise that yes, that Balinese village was magic but what made it so amazing was me. It was my perception of it, how open I was to absolutely everything about it. Open to awe, intently seeing the detail. Gratitude was my constant companion. How connected I felt to everything around me because I was fully present.
Even though life has changed, and I can’t get back to that village physically (thanks COVID) I know I can tap into that feeling again – by slowing down, remaining open, grateful and fully present for the life I’ve been gifted. And just like that, my little life feels HUGE again.
With Love, Nic x