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Do you find yourself reacting rather than responding to situations?

Are you fatigued, stressed or emotionally triggered?

 The Benefits of meditation



Meditation is a proven and powerful technique that can help expand your self-awareness and reduce the stress in your system.

Benefits of the 1 Giant Mind Being Meditation technique
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The PrACTICE of meditation



Meditation comes with a lot of misconceptions about how and why it is practiced. It gets placed in the ‘too hard basket’ because we (rightly) baulk at the suggestion that we need to clear the mind and stop thinking. We assume we are doing it wrong if we can’t do that. Meditation is not about stopping thoughts; it’s about changing the quality of your thoughts and removing barriers that get in the way of you living the life you want to live.  

The traditional purpose of meditation is to expand awareness. This is simply because awareness is involved in every single thing we do, every single day. It is something we all share in common and it ties us all together. When we expand our awareness, enrich our experiences, reconnect to ourselves and others and enliven our zest for life.  

While our surface level reasons for wanting to meditate may differ, we generally come to meditation as there’s an experience we are having that we would like to change. When we are in a state of greater self-awareness, we have the capacity to change our experience and replace it with an experience that is more aligned with our true nature.  

We believe that your meditation learning experience and lifelong practice should be enjoyable and fun. Meditation doesn’t need to be dull, dry and serious; it just needs to be easy and accessible for all.





Learn to meditate in 3 days!

 The 1 Giant Mind 3-day Learn Meditation course we offer is effortless in its practice and is so easy that anyone can do it. Yes, even you.


What is the technique?

The 1 Giant Mind Being Meditation technique is very simple, yet very profound. It is practiced for 20 minutes, once or twice daily. In this technique, there is no need to try and stop yourself from thinking, or try to force any kind of experience that you think ‘should’ be meditation. There is no need to concentrate, or try to control any outcome. The effortlessness of the technique allows you to move into deeper states of awareness whilst cultivating deep rest and repair. 


How do I learn?

The course is structured into three 90-minute sessions. The technique is explained both theoretically and practically alongside a certified teacher. Once completed you will be self-sufficient in practicing this technique on your own. 

Courses are hosted online over Zoom or at our comfortable space in Kirra (depending on group size at our home, or at a space organised by us). Alternatively the course can be held in a private or group format, in your workplace or home. 

A free no obligation intro talk is offered before committing to the course.


What to expect from the course

Learn how to meditate independently with the 1 Giant Mind Being Meditation technique

Debunk common misconceptions around meditation

Understand modern stress and its negative impact on our lives

Guidance on how to make meditation a daily habit

Explore the functions of the mind

Ongoing support from Dan and Nic


What happens after the course?

Group Meditations

Following the course, all students of this technique are warmly invited to regular, free, group meditations. These gatherings allow you to meditate together and discuss questions and knowledge related to the practice of meditation.

Guided group meditations with the 1 Giant Mind Being Meditation technique
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What does it cost?



Upcoming Courses

Courses are run over three consecutive days, and are made to suit your time schedule.

Please contact us and we can organise a time that suits.





+ What if I can’t control my mind?

Not a problem. Unlike other forms of meditation, the 1 Giant Mind Being Meditation technique involves no concentration, no control of the mind, no contemplation, no monitoring of thoughts. It’s so easy that anyone can do it.

+ What if I don’t have time to meditate?

This seems to be the most common question we have as teachers, but rest assured we have lots of useful tips to help you make meditation a daily habit. When you reap the benefits of this powerful technique, it turns out you have more clarity and focus, which makes organising your day that much easier.

+ What if I can’t find a quiet space?

The 1 Giant Mind Being Meditation technique that we teach is derived from an ancient practice designed specifically for householders. Noise is no barrier to this, as let’s face it most of us don’t have the luxury of living in a quiet monastery so we can practice our meditation!

+ Do I have to sit in the Lotus position in order to meditate correctly?

The 1 Giant Mind Being Meditation technique is the absence of effort, you sit in whatever position makes you comfortable. All that is required is that you sit upright with your lower back supported.

+ Is there a religious element to the 1 Giant Mind Being Meditation technique?

Nope. No robes or chanting required. This technique is an agnostic mental process that awakens deep self-awareness. Although some traditions and religions may practice a Being technique as a part of their practices, the technique itself does not require any specific beliefs or religious orientation.

+ What’s the difference between the 1 Giant Mind Being Meditation technique and others like Mindfulness?

While other meditation techniques may require concentration or focus on a particular element such as breath, the 1 Giant Mind Being Meditation technique is totally effortless in its practice. We use a mantra to softly transcend the mind to cultivate deeper states of rest, and when practiced correctly it establishes a baseline of awareness that actually makes practicing Mindfulness and other techniques that much easier.

+ Is there any scientific research behind the 1 Giant Mind Being Meditation technique?

Yep, there sure is. Over 6,000 users participated in the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) tool that is built into the 1 Giant Mind Learn Meditation mobile app. The PSS is a widely used psychological instrument for measuring the perception of stress. Here’s what they found:

• 22% of users saw an improvement in the not feeling overwhelmed by difficulties piling up

• 22% improvement seen by users in their ability to handle personal problems

• 17% of users saw a reduction in stress and nervousness after one month of using the app

• 16.6% of users reported that their ability to control the important things in life improved

• 16.6% of users reported an improvement in previous anger over things out of their control

• 15% of users reported an improvement in feeling on top of things

+ Will I have to become a vegetarian and start drinking green tea?

No. We won’t ask you to give up anything, and you don’t need to change your life in order to learn this technique.

+ Is there an age limit on learning this technique?

No, this simple technique can be practiced by anyone. You just need to be open and willing to learn.


Any other questions? Please don’t hesitate to get in touch

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