About Us


We are a small team with a BIG heart…


Hello! We are Dan and Nic and we are very happy to see you here. We formed Gold Coast Meditation in 2020, just before the craziness of the year really hit. While we both meditated before we met, it’s actually one of the reasons we bonded as a couple. We decided to formalise our dedication to meditation by teaming up to teach. 

We both value adventure, travel, humour and fun and we don’t take ourselves too seriously. We believe that meditation should be accessible and practiced in an easy and light hearted way, as that will make sticking with it in the long term that much easier.  

Depending on our schedules, sometimes we teach together and sometimes we teach independently. Either way, we believe the best way for you to learn is if you feel a connection or pull to learn with us. A teacher / student connection is really valuable in allowing you to feel comfortable and open to learning, and we like to make the experience as relaxed and inviting as possible.

We value our connections – to each other, our families and friends, our communities and the natural world. When we practice meditation, all those connections become deeper. And we can’t wait to connect with you too.

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How to Learn


It’s a lifelong learning process and we’re here for you…

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1. Attend a free intro talk

An intro talk is offered to explain the benefits of the 1 Giant Mind Being Meditation technique, an overview of the course and to answer any questions you may have.

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2. Meditation course

The 1 Giant Mind 3-Day Learn Meditation course is structured into three 90-minute sessions. The technique is explained both theoretically and practically alongside a certified teacher. Once completed you will be self-sufficient in practicing this technique on your own.

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